Tuesday, August 30, 2011

See..Change IS Good!

" Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it." - Buddha

This is my last week with Customer Care at EF.  I am delighted to announce that I'll be starting a new position within the company supporting our Leadership, Learning + Development Team. 

Nervous?  Check.
Excited?  Check.
Happy?  YES!!!

I'm hopeful that I'll be able to contribute in a big way in my new role, and I am confident that by following my heart, it will take me where I'm supposed to be.

Thank you to those of you who have pepped me up when things were going South, who always had a "brighter side" story for me, and who gave me that extra "oomph" when I wasn't sure of myself. 



  1. congrats, jay on your new position at EF! you will be super in this role-just as you are in everything you do. lots of luck & love!

  2. thank you sweet, lee...your words mean the world to me! xo

  3. Jeannette,

    You will bring joy, passion, skill, organization, inspiration, fabulous ideas, insight, and lots of smiles and laughs to the LL&D team! They're so lucky to have you & so wise to have chosen you.

    I'm so proud of you and am excited that you're following that wonderful heart of yours.


  4. thanks, kris...BIG, big, BIG love right back atchya! xo
