Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Whooo loves you?

WOW, wow, wow... am I a snail of a blogger or what?!!! It's been an eventful winter to say the least. A new cancer popped up this past November, my amazing surgeons did magic on me and now I am patiently waiting to finish up some of the reconstructive surgery. In a nutshell, I am a human Mrs. Potato Head...a piece of patchwork! But forever grateful that I am here in one very "interesting" piece.

So, am I ever thankful that my little crafting bug has resurfaced...halleluja! It's been forever since I felt any urge to create...it was sort of depressing.

But this little guy has put a smile on my face for sure and inspired me to get out my thread and sewing needles. I love sewing by hand, thanks to my Mom. My Mom only sews by hand and I seem to be following in her footsteps. When I was little (I know...hard to imagine but just try as I am STILL the biggest Chinese girl I know) I would sit on the side of her bed while she stitched. I was her "threader" and took tremendous pride in threading her needles.

In honor of Valentine's Day I decided to make Maggie an owl finger puppet. Whether Maggie knows it or not, she loooves owls (and Hello Kitty). Working with felt is like using construction paper...it is so basic, I love it. I'm also hoping to create a variety of bird finger puppets. I love birds! How sweet would they all be displayed on some branches...cuteness!!! In the meantime, I hope my owl makes you happy and feeling loved!

1 comment:

  1. wow! that owl is a beaut! i have a few from my pa's owl collection <3
