Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's Official!


Ohhhh, lordy!!!  So, it's official.  I officially did not get the job of Sample Line Assistant.  Gosh, where do I begin?!! Well, after 3 interviews and one final  "Jeopardy" question the truth came out today.  It's definitely been a "waiting game."  My internal interviewing process with Eileen Fisher started back in October, which also marked my 3 Year Anniversary with the company.  Us "Fishies" have much to be grateful for...the company hit their all-time record year in sales and profitability.  Every team worked extremely hard in a challenging economy and it showed - our holiday profit-sharing bonuses were generous to say the least.  However, after 3 years of assisting customers via the phone and by email with order queries, trouble-shooting technical issues, and trying to find the perfect occasion outfit I was ready for a change.
Change is good!
One thing about EF that is very clear is everything is a collaboration and thought out very carefully. The interviewing process begins with Human Resources.  If you make an impression, then the next step is to meet the Director(s) of the Department.  Then if things really start clickin', a 3rd meeting is arranged for you to meet with the rest of the team.  I almost feel like a professional by now, professional interviewee, that is.  The ultimate dreaded question, "So tell us a little about yourself" no longer causes nausea or results in a high-pitched answer or throat-clearing.  While I had plenty of "wait time" to prepare myself for the less desirable outcome, and I realize that "everything happens for a reason", and "when the time is right, it will happen", and "they don't know what they're missing"... despite all of that, it still feels like rejection (little violin, please). 

It was during the later part of the day, that a light bulb went off and I thought to myself, "Omigod, I must be a MISFIT...how sad!"  I was told by HR that I was 1 of 2 of the final candidates and the decision was really difficult but "the team picked her."  HER??!!  Who's Herrrrrr?!!!  It was here, at this point that I no longer felt like a misfit but more like this guy...

"Who's Herrrrrrr?!!!!*
*(Haha...I like being "dramatical" sometimes).

So back to the "story"... This experience hasn't shattered me (if you want the God's honest truth, dial 1-800-KEITH). What it has taught me is much patience and that eventually my time will come and answering customer service calls will one day be a thing of the past.  In the meantime, the women I work with everyday are some of my dearest friends, amazing and inspiring women to say the least, and if I am not meant for a professional change right now, maybe I can change something else like how I sign my name.  

"Yaaayyy" (sniff-sniff) I mean, "Yaaayyy!"


  1. wow. At the end of "amazing" by Aerosmith, the words are "remember, YOU may be the light at the end of the tunnel". I see you Jeannette! thank you. love, diane

  2. You are oh-so-poetic and your words always meaningful, Diane! I somehow manage to laugh even in not-so-funny situations...I have a feeling it is thanks to friends like you. :)

  3. JJ, I LOVE your writing...so truthful and hilarious! I can hear you laughing as you write it. Keep the faith, lil sis. You are meant for great things :-) Love you!

  4. thanks, egirl...what a great photo of you! yes, ted and i have many laughs together...he thinks i should have been an actress. he doesn't know the nutcracker story. love you!

  5. P - funny funny stuff, annnnnnd CUT ! I think you nailed it that time. And the best actress for a comedic dramatic performance goes to - JJ Ho ! Love you lots pallie and your positive attitude !

  6. Remember when one door closes a better door opens. Good things will come to you wait and see!

  7. Jay, I love you. I love this post. I love your voice in it. It's exactly what I needed to read. And right on time. Thank you :) I am going to keep a good attitude about my place in life too. Cheers to great things to come. xo

  8. love you, too, pea...you win the award for participating in my kookiness. thank you, liz! seems like ions ago that we were writing up orders at kp4. life is never dull and suddenly a printed typo on someone's $5K wedding order is just not such a catastrophe anymore. i think kathy can contest to that, too...it's just paper, right? and beautiful paper at that!!!

  9. oh girl! i'm sorry but relieved for you. let's empty the basket of our cliches, shall we: one door closes... ok no, let's not. but if it makes you feel better, every job i didn't get turned out to be a dodged bullet, and something WAY better was indeed in the wings. so on to the next. this was a grrrreat exercise in self-promotion and confidence, just bring it all to the next interview. and bring me with on that next interview, maybe someone wants a pair of fish?!?

  10. haha, tee...a pair of fish at FISHER?!! you are so witty! yes, pisces - 2 fish are waaayyy better than one. doesn't anyone out there need smart-as-whips/under-achievers in the 40 year old range to "do things" for them?!! we will have a pity party, i mean a pizza party for sure!!!

  11. Brava, Jay! I love your blog! You rock. I changed the way I signed my name about a year ago and it changed everything ; )

  12. amy, that just sealed the deal for me then! thanks for reading my blog. i hope you will tape your radio segment and post it on FB...good luck!!! xo

  13. that was hilarious.. i mean the re-enactment in writing and photos! sorry, you didn't get the job, jay. i'm sure there will be other opps awaiting.
    hey, do you think EF is tracking web stories about them? keep up the praisin' then ;)
    glad you're writing... i am impressed. i don't remember you reading much but i do remember those several poems you crammed in to pass your H.S. english class. such poetry, i recall! loxoxol nan
