Last summer I had the privilege of joining a couple of dragon boat teams. In case you're wondering, dragon boat racing has become more and more popular in the states and Canada,too. It involves a big ass boat, and the teams are comprised of a drummer, 20 paddlers and a steersman. Since being re-introduced to the sport after 10 years, I was lucky enough to find an all-exclusive team of breast cancer survivors to paddle with. Our team, The Empire Dragons, is currently sponsored by Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and their Center for Integrative Medicine. We are an amazing group of women, and we all have "a story." Dragon boat has created a life-changing outlet for me as well as a much needed support system for me. On top of the inspiring people I have met since last year's Peekskill and Mercer Lake Festivals, I am also proud to help spread awareness, to lend support to other breast cancer survivors and to know and believe that not only are we survivors but we are STRONG! I am grateful and honored to be a part of ALL that!
After anxiously waiting for the diagnosis of a new found tumor this past winter, my pathology report came back positive for a somewhat rare and aggressive sarcoma (cancer of the connective tissue). While i was relieved it was not the inflammatory breast cancer again, the news still deflated me. This was my 4th run-in with cancer, each time a different one...how crazy, right?!! As my breast surgeon remarked 4 1/2 years ago, "You have a pot pourrie of cancers." Oh luuuuvvvly!
So, yes...it's been a roller coaster of emotions and thoughts, however my focus was to get myself to a good, strong, peaceful place before my surgery. I also continually counted my blessings...my family, my friends and the fact that I am still finding things to laugh about everyday, no matter what! What more could a girl ask for (other than a fresh hot pie, a baby otter and a Kimora Lee Simmons Hello Kitty diamond necklace)?!!
As frightened as I was this time around with cancer, I kept dragon boat in the back of my head..."I WILL be back on the water and more than anything I dreamed of paddling this spring with my team who continue to inspire me!
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